Effective 11:59PM on December 31st, the 113th day of Navārdia’s existence, the monarchy will be dissolved, and the government as it is known today will cease to exist. Despite the short time Navārdia has existed, it may seem like the end of an era to many. Even as the news was broken internally, many citizens and allies were left asking, “Why?” Today, December 10th, is the day Navārdia News will provide a final answer to that question.
Navārdia is not ending, but growing.

Effective January 1st, 2020 at midnight, Navārdia and Phokland will be merging into the Phoklandian Free State. It will be a confederal parliamentary republic, with King Charles of Phokland as State President and Grand Duke Casper as Prime Minister. Navārdian, Phoklandian and Graustarkian citizens will be transitioned into the new nation, giving it a population of 56.
The Phoklandian Free State will have land in three US states, the capital of Venezuela and even northwestern Antarctica. It will also have two island territories, Clipperton and Pope. The entirety of the land claimed had not been measured yet, but based on estimation it appears that the new nation will be a major geopolitical power in the community of unrecognized nations.
In addition to this news, the Navārdian government has issued an FAQ to clear up as many potential misconceptions as possible.
There are 22 days till New Year’s. What of Navārdia and Phokland until then?
Navārdia and Phokland will continue to act as completely separate states until the monarchies are dissolved.
What nation’s capital will be the capital of the Phoklandian Free State?
Yes. Navārdia’s Capital Province and Phokland’s Vundenberg will be the capitals of the PFS. However, the Navārdian capital will be recategorized as an administrative district and renamed as the Grand Duchy of Orbly.
If Capital is changing, are the other land claims of Navārdia be changing too?
Yes, but not as drastically. Todge will be recategorized as a province and Pope Island as an overseas territory.
Will Navārdia have its own regional/constituent level government?
Yes, it will be called the Navārdian Free Land and it will be a constituent of the Phoklandian Free State. The regional government will do everything the central government doesn’t. (Navārdian allies need not worry, all mutual recognition will be kept at the regional level or promoted to the national level.)
What about international organizations?
The Phoklandian Free State will retain membership of the League of Professional Nations and Union of Antarctic Micronational Claims. The Navārdian Free Land will retain membership of the Atlanta Regional Union. The PFS’ status as a member of any other organizations - assuming there are any - is as of yet unknown.
What about the Holy Roman Empire?
The Phoklandian Free State will retain member status within the Holy Roman Empire.
What will happen to this website and newsletter?
The national website will be converted to a regional website, unsurprisingly. Navārdia News will become the Orblian Observer, fun by the monarchy of Orbly (the soon to be ex-monarchy of Navārdia).