As of the date of publishing (Monday, July 20th), there are only four days until the first general election in Naveria. The process would consist of the individual elections of three members of parliament under normal circumstances; however, the governors of Orbly and Rhyrodesia have already been selected due to a lack of opposing candidates. As such, the only position which is still unfilled is that of the nonresidential representative, who represents the will of Naveria's nonresidential citizens as if they were the population of a parish. As previously reported, the two candidates are Richard Seeger and Frederick Callahan, the Commissar for Press and a royal cousin respectively. As a royally-owned business operating in the Naverian capital parish, the Orblian Observer has an exclusive scoop on both nonresidential representative candidates.
Candidate 1 - Frederick Callahan
Frederick Callahan is one of the two newest citizens of the Commonwealth, who became a citizen alongside his wife in early May. He is a first cousin once removed of the monarch, lives in the U.S. state of Virginia and works as a dispatcher for the local police. Frederick has a vast knowledge of United States history, even becoming a reputable (albeit unofficial) historian in his old hometown, and was familiar with micronational politics before joining Naveria.
While he has not made any official statements since announcing his candidacy on July 3rd, he amicably welcomed competition from Seeger upon the confirmation of the roster of candidates. Several members of the royal family, particularly HRH Duke Grandmother Pauline and HRH Duke Great Grandmother Violet, have voiced their support for Callahan's political career within Naveria.
Candidate 2 - Richard Seeger
Richard Seeger is a libertarian politician who joined Naveria in the middle of April, immediately following the collapse of the Phoklandian Free State. He currently runs the Commissariat for Press, managing the official Naverian Instagram page where he recently posted a campaign statement. Seeger is a Michigander, and is considering becoming Naveria's ambassador to the Free Socialist State of Paloma due to his proximity to the allied nation.
In his campaign statement, Richard stated that he wished to bring Naveria "into the bigger world" and promised to focus on improving the national economy, which has been dysfunctional or nonexistent for a majority of Naveria's ten months of existence. It is also worth noting that Richard was involved in Phoklandian politics since September, including work with and within Naveria since the formation of the provisional government of Phoklandian Free State in early December.