Today, the government of Navārdia has returned to newsworthiness with the creation of NavNet, an intranet or local network operated almost entirely on a Raspberry Pi. It is made possible through a software called MAZI, a toolkit for the creation of local WiFi networks that operate separately of the World Wide Web. Though NavNet is only a day old, plans are already being formed for future expansions of the network.

The network currently consists of a Raspberry Pi 3B and a 32GB microSD card, with the official MAZI toolkit image installed. The server was placed in the center of the royal residence in Orbly, and configured as recommended by the toolkit's instructions. Since its creation, a branch of the Orblian Observer has been launched on NavNet and a single post has been created on GuestBook (a Twitter clone created by the MAZI team).
At present, the network only has coverage across northern and central Orbly, and stock applications. Plans for future expansions of NavNet's capabilities include the installation of dedicated email/chat and voice over internet protocol (VoIP) applications, among others. There are no concrete plans for the expansion of NavNet coverage, although it is possible that the network will be brought to Sabiland.