On Sunday, January 12th, the Phoklandian Free State made its first territorial growth since the government reorganization on New Year’s. The Principality of Unicornia, a small nation near the Navārdian Free Land territories, was successfully annexed by the State President and Prime Minister. This comes after political turmoil within the nation and a week of tension within the region.
Earlier this year, Unicornian diarch May Sinclair abdicated the throne in pursuit of other interests, and the nation was forced to reorganize as a Principality under April Sinclair’s rule. For some time it was unknown how May would respond to this, but it now appears that she has not responded whatsoever. Due to this situation, however, Unicornia was weakened in several aspects.
To help revitalize the now-dominion and situate it as part of Phokland, several changes to the region have been outlined. Unicornia will henceforth be known as the Dominion of New Santiago, and its princess shall assume the new title of governor. Phoklandian troops deployed to the eastern “freeland” region will directly defend the dominion, and act as peacekeepers if and when needed. Additionally, New Santiago will be allowed to take an independence referendum during the year of 2028, assuming it survives until then.
Prime Minister Casper von Navārdia discussed the new changes with the New Santiaguians during a visit on Tuesday. Governor April Sinclair greeted the PhoklandIan House of Assembly over the phone during the meeting, saying that she wished to express her warmest greetings and gratitude for Phoklandian assistance and alliance throughout Unicornia’s short history. The general notion in New Santiago is currently one of hope.