Prime Minister Casper von Navārdia signed a document on Sunday, declaring that Phokland shall retain neutrality on the United Holy Kingdom of Beaulosagñe and the Knights Templar of the Holy Grail until at least January 31st, 2021. This was done to preserve religious liberties and avoid the implied endorsement or condemnation of the Templar Church, which claims to be the one true successor to church that was said to be established by Jesus (Jesvs) Christ about two thousand years ago.

The declaration is the first document in modern Phoklandian history to be physically printed and signed; “There’s someone who helped me find the right words to put into this document, and I wanted to thank him with a copy.,” Casper has explained. It is also the first document to be signed into law since State President Charles Ross took a leave of absence to assist in the further advancement of Bregusland, an Austenasian territory bordering the Phoklandian city of Vundenberg.
Representatives of Beaulosagñe are yet to comment on this development, but the Orblian Observer will issue an update when it happens.