As part of OO’s efforts to cover more international news, I am writing about some recent developments in New Athens. Enjoy!
New Athens has increased to 5.3 times its original size over the last months due to parcels of land given to the nation by its citizens. The first three contiguous territories claimed by New Athens are provinces ruled by a Duke or Duchess in exchange for their service to the nation. The fourth and latest territory of New Athens is West Pope Island, an islet gifted to the nation by Phokland for a period of at least two years.
In addition to territorial gains, New Athens has been making large strides in its government initiatives. For example, the central New Athens government has set up an aluminum recycling system that has gotten pounds upon pounds of aluminum recycled. As an incentive, each province is allowed to keep the money made off recycling the aluminum via nationally-provided provincial banks. The Acworth province, the capital of New Athens, has recycled forty-two pounds in the last three months alone.