On Saturday, the government announced plans to quote, “keep Navārdia beautiful” in conjunction with a community service event. At about 10:38am CNT, it was announced that he will begin cleaning up litter not only within the small claims of Capital, but also in surrounding Peachtree City. Navārdia will be adopting a stretch of golf cart path or a local park, though it is unclear if it will be through the Grand Duke’s name, or the nation’s. He has agreed with two Capitalian residents, notably not citizens, to begin mobile cleanup efforts via golf cart.
Perhaps even more importantly, cleanup will eventually become an official job in Navārdia. Cleanup crews will somehow be included in the Internal Services EGO (working title) along with police/constabulary and potentially firefighting departments. Due to the unfinished nature of the central government in the new constitution, work on defining EGOs has barely begun, and details on Internal Services are scarce. Additional data will be released when available.
In other news, a recent poll shows overwhelming support of the idea of a union including Navārdia and other local nations such as New Athens, Star Kingdom, Ruritania and Unicornia. Among citizens and noncitizens alike, all eyes appear to be on the latter. Research continues on the presumed nation, and the few results that have come forth are incredibly interesting. If you are a Navārdia News reader that needs an insider scoop on Unicornia, your wait may be over soon. Stay tuned...