On Monday, just a day after the creation of a national email address, Grand Duke Casper signed a treaty of mutual recognition with another nation. The Kingdom of Phokland is an enclave of the US state of Arizona and, ceremonially, the continent of Antarctica. It is well known within the Kyberian and MicroWiki sectors, and its culture is inspired by the Bulgarian Kingdom. You can read all about the kingdom here. As part of the negotiations, Navārdia was offered membership of the LPN, and Casper is expected to sign up on the forums sometime later in the week.
The signing of the treaty is significant, not only that it represents Navārdia's first ally outside the Atlanta sector, but it also represents the first successful use of email to communicate with another nation. Hopefully, it is the first of many.
The treaty can be accessed at this link. More news regarding Phokland, the LPN and diplomatic communications is surely coming soon.