October has been the busiest month for Navārdia yet, though that isn’t necessarily saying much. Tech troubles, citizen gains and the beginning of the holiday season have defined the last few weeks. Our latest and final October news provides updates on old headlines and brings to light entirely new ones. We hope you enjoy this latest look into our little slice of Earth.
Computer Crises Solved, Kind Of
The breaking of the Grand Duke's laptop began what is referred to as the computer crises, a period of time in which Navārdia’s digital progresses are limited to the abilities of a cellphone. However, a resident of Capital has allowed for the Grand Duke to use their laptop. The broken laptop is not fixed, but things may soon go back to normal. At least to some extent.

Badon Isle Reclaimed Under New Name
On October 23rd, the Grand Duke prematurely claimed an island in the middle of nearby Lake Kedron as Navārdian territory, but rescinded the claim hours later to continue researching its properties. On Monday, the island was once again claimed for Navārdia under its proper name, Pope Island. A flag is yet to be designed for the new territory, but will hopefully be finished soon.
Another Person Becomes Navārdian Citizen
Navārdia has welcomed its third citizen and first internal services officer this Monday at 3:41pm CNT. Going under the pseudonym of Egg, she has been a longtime friend of both of the other citizens. It was no surprise to see her join the country. After all, she participated in the vote that ended up producing the annexation of Pope Island. Egg has also decided to become an Internal Services officer, the first in the history of the nation.
In other related news, the position of Chief of Military Operations has been reworked as Chief of Internal Services. The person previously known as CMO1 has adopted the new pseudonym of CIS1, and will hereafter be referred to as such.
Treaty Signed with Unicornia
Weeks after the discovery of the four local nations, relations with the most mysterious of them have began. Unicornia is officially real, and its true name is the State of Unicornia. The country is a diarchy, whose rulers have the honorary titles of Princess and Minister. On Tuesday, the Grand Duke travelled to the small country, meeting with both of its leaders and discussing, among other things, international agreements. By the time he left for Capital, he had reached one with the Unicornian diarchs.
Tax-minimal trade and bilateral recognition will begin shortly, in exchange for defense of Unicornia by Navārdia; it will not be too much trouble, as both Capital and Pope Island are just minutes from Unicornia by all main transportation methods. The treaty signing is significant in that it is not only the first international document signed by Navārdia, but also the first true interaction between Navārdia and another Atlanta Sector nation. To recap, “Atlanta Sector” is used to refer to the nations located within the general area of the US city of Atlanta. Known Atlanta Sector nations include Ruritania, Star Kingdom, Navārdia, New Athens and Unicornia.
Navārdia does not currently have a picture of the Unicornian flag, so this article will be updated when one is available.
National Motto Decided
On Wednesday, the Navārdian government finally decided on a national motto. “Pluribus unitus en pactum,” means, “Many united under one covenant” in English. It is a shortened adaption of the phrase, “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,” which means that people and things we choose to associate with mean more than the things we are born with/as. The national motto was chosen to spotlight the tight knit, ‘come one come all’ community that Navārdia strives to be.
EGOs to be renamed as Ministries, Offices
Early this Thursday, the government announced another change to the government in what appears to be a string of reforms. Extra government organizations will now be referred to as ministries, or offices in some case. “EGOs were an attempt to make Navārdia distinct, but they just came off as unprofessional.,” he explained, “Today we‘re finally doing something about that.”
This latest name change comes after Monday’s implications that the military is merging with internal services. All this seems to be a massive attempt by the government to simplify and standardize. Of course, the second edition lawbook is still a work in progress and is unavailable to the public, thus Navārdia News cannot confirm the reach of these new efforts.
Halloween Festivities at Capital
Navārdians from all around have been preparing Halloween all month long, and when the day finally came around, they pulled out all the stops. After some lawbook editing early in the morning, the Grand Ducal family got to work preparing for the first-ever Halloween gala. He cleaned and decorated while another Capitalian resident cooked. Early in the evening, Egg arrived in Navārdia for the gala, and a total of three other people got in on the fun as well.
The first party event was trick or treating. The partygoers left some candy out for passers by and hopped into a golf cart, one of Navārdia‘s official transport vehicles, and went off in search of candy. Despite not so preferable weather conditions from near constant rain, a massive haul was brought back to Capital by the end of the night, including rare candies like guava flavored Laffy Taffy.
Before the candy could really be broken into, gourmet sandwiches were prepared for dinner. It was spent around the table and a fire, warming up, catching up and telling spooky stories. The rest of the night was spent eating candy and watching cheesy horror movies. Unsurprisingly, the party lasted for hours, and was an overall success. The next Navārdian gala is planned for Thanksgiving.
Next in November
Though there’s no surefire way to look into the future, some things are rather predictable. That includes the headlines. Before we sign off, here are some predictions for November in Navārdia.
Chances are extremely high that Navārdians will visit Unicornia again. As noted, it is not too far away, and they are under legal obligation to go at and defend it. There is a potential for the first trade to take place. Navārdians will likely receive art in exchange for their goods, as it is one of Unicorinia’s most coveted exports.
Speaking of Unicornia, there is a chance for more relations between Navārdia and other nations. In the event that this does happen, it will likely be with another Atlanta Sector nation, namely the Star Kingdom or New Athens since Ruritania’s foreign policy calls for its allies to be at least six months old. (Navārdia will only be turning two months old in November.)
The last November prediction is that there is also a small chance of citizen gains. Currently, one person is known to be considering Navārdian citizenship, though there could be more. Navārdia’s current population goal is twenty. As of Monday, has gotten to exactly 15% of that goal.