Navārdia Joins League of Professional Nations
Early Tuesday morning, Grand Duke Casper applied to represent Navārdia in the League of Professional Nations, an organization currently run by Phokland's monarch, Tsar Charles Ross, among others. Shortly thereafter the application was accepted, and Navārdia became the league's thirteenth member. "I expect [Navārdia's] membership in the LPN to be of benefit not only to us within the nation, but to all members of the league," Casper said when at a conference today, "I look forwards to working with the other members and hopefully getting meaningful work done."
Second State Visit with Unicornia
Grand Duke Casper once again visited the nearby State of Unicornia Tuesday afternoon, despite nearly freezing cold temperatures. A tour of a new monument was given and some new art pieces were shown off, but most of the visit was spent inside the royal residence to avoid the cold. Navārdia's continued defense obligations were discussed, as well as flag design - it turns out Navārdia News was unable to get an image of the Unicornian flag because it doesn't exist. When their flag is finalized, it will be added to the unofficial Unicornia webpage, which Navārdia proudly hosts on its own website.
We're on MicroWiki
As an effort to create an archive of national history and reach out to the greater community, the Grand Duchy of Navārdia has joined MicroWiki. For those who are not aware, MicroWiki is a lot like Wikipedia, but with articles on micronations rather than almost anything one could think of. It doubles as a hub for micronationalist communications and event planning. In addition to individual nations, one could find data on and invites for intermicronational organizations and summits. MicroWiki is possible due to the kind donations of site visitors, and the constant work of the Empire of Austenasia and other administrative nations.
You can find the national wiki page here.

Dead Nations Day 2019
Adding to the eventfulness of Tuesday is the observation of a national holiday. Dead Nations Day, adopted from the Landlandian holiday of the same name, has come around for the first time. Navārdia News would like to honor the Kingdom of Gendarania, as it is the only dead nation with a connection to our nation due to its Phoklandian roots and status as member of the League of Professional Nations.
Gendarania was founded on May 28th, 2019 as a political experiment by Charles Ross, who assumed the title of king. Its peak population was four, and its territory consisted of a chain of small, rocky islands. Besides inactivity, the kingdom's main problem was that it shared borders with the Emosian colony of Onderon, which was a larger and more powerful entity that easily came off as a threat.
Believing that they were threatened by their quickly-expanding neighbor, Gendarania declared war on Emosia and attempted an invasion, which backfired when they were not only prevented from invading, but were subsequently invaded themselves. Needless to say, Gendarania was defeated and most of its territory was annexed by the Empire of Emosia, which had rebranded as Kyberia. The town of Freestonia became part of Lanzantonia, which has taken the seat once occupied by Gendarania at the LPN.
Rest in peace, Gendarania, and have an okay Dead Nations Day.